The below is a summary of a piece of research carried out by Chameleon PR, analysing the themes and topics which have featured in technology media in the last year. It covers off technology topics which have featured in national and regional newspapers, business techonlogy, vertical industry and so on. The company who compiled the research - Apollo - look at over 30,000 stories a month.
1) Biggest Technology Risers versus last quarter
Top 5
1) Facial Recognition
2) Video Phones
3) Service Orientated Architecture
4) Web Conferencing
5) Storage Services
- Facial recognition has seen largest rise in the past quarter as the recession takes hold and more companies use teleconferencing to cut costs
2) Subjects which have lost the most media coverage in the last quarter
Top 5
1) Digital signal processing
2) Data Warehousing
3) Storage Technology
4) Web Versions
5) XML
3) Most covered technology categories from November 2008 - January 2009
1) Mobile phones
2) Networks
3) Home Entertainment
4) Security
5) Games
4) Most popular themes covered in Q1 2001 vs Q1 2009
1) Games - software
2) Digital television
3) Mobile entertainment
4) Processors
5) Email
- As in most other sectors, the economic downturn and recession has also dominated the technology sector